miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

[Elizondo:1672] Using the 1930 Mexico Census Data

Using the 1930 Mexico Census Data

The following teaser ia from a CNNWire article that was posted at 12newsnow.com January 9, 2011:

(CNN) — For professional genealogists — and amateurs like actor Edward James Olmos — an extraordinary moment is unfolding for the nation's Latino community, thanks to the digital age.

It's the revelation of the 1930 Mexican census, which was distributed free online this year.

Decades ago, such data might not have been as meaningful. But the United States' own recent census now shows that Latinos are the nation's No. 2 group in 2010. With 50.5 million Hispanics now in the United States, the 1930 Mexican census offers a glimpse into the heritage and history of an emerging cornerstone community — especially because 31.8 million Americans are of Mexican descent.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE at: http://www.genealogyblog.com/?p=16360

(desde mi SmartPhone)
Benicio Samuel Sanchez
Genealogista e Historiador Familiar

Email: samuelsanchez@genealogia.org.mx
Website:  http://www.Genealogia.org.mx
Office (81) 8393 0011  
Cel 811513-8354

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(Élder J. Richard Clarke, Liahona julio de 1989, pág.69)

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